SAT Vocabulary Power (7-63)
Vocabulary Cards: 30
- 1.
- unsophisticated
- primitive
- the original of earliest known inhabitants of a country
- 2.
- hatred
- historian
- 3.
- an apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection, inhalation, etc
- to make amends for
- 4.
- joyous
- a mark that mars beauty
- 5.
- to burn or sear as with a heated iron
- to pass title to
- 6.
- harmony
- 7.
- a minute particle of matter
- to put in some relation of connection or correspondence
- 8.
- to deem worthy of notice or account
- one who believes in God, but denies supernatural revelation
- 9.
- to disencumber
- to pay out or expend, as money from a fund
- 10.
- confinement
- the period of time during which anything lasts
- 11.
- a circle that rolls upon the external or internal circumference of another circle
- a curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon another circle
- 12.
- unusual
- undue expenditure of money
- 13.
- easily broken
- liability to be broken or destroyed
- 14.
- stay-rope
- to swallow greedily or hastily
- gulp
- 15.
- not full-grown
- indefinitely extensive
- 16.
- ability to sway the will of another
- having the power to sway the will of another
- 17.
- the act of stringing or stretching, or state of being strained
- adding emphasis or force
- 18.
- royal state
- pl. Relatives
- 19.
- expressive of positive command, as distinguished from merely directory
- the long hair growing upon and about the neck of certain animals, as the horse and the lion
- 20.
- any scheme or recipe of a charlatan character
- perceptible
- 21.
- passing out of use, as a word
- no longer practiced or accepted
- 22.
- farther or more distant
- without preparation
- 23.
- characterized by unlimited or infinite knowledge
- eating or living upon food of all kinds indiscriminately
- 24.
- remotely situated
- a detachment of troops stationed at a distance from the main body to guard against surprise
- 25.
- the department of medical science that relates to the treatment of diseases of childhood
- one's line of ancestors
- 26.
- serene
- the stealing of passages from the writings of another and publishing them as one's own
- 27.
- negligent
- temporary diminution of a disease
- 28.
- having the nature or quality of soap
- cutting and reproachful language
- 29.
- to cause to withdraw or retire, as from society or public life
- to confiscate
- 30.
- one who believes in the theory that man's food should be exclusively vegetable
- to live in a monotonous, passive way without exercise of the mental faculties