TOEFL Vocabulary Power (2-12)
Vocabulary Cards: 27
- 1.
- to agree to
- 2.
- state of confusion or lawlessness
- 3.
- to declare positively
- to confirm
- 4.
- to soil or dirty
- 5.
- to accuse falsely or maliciously in order to injure another's reputation
- slander
- 6.
- working together secretly for an evil purpose
- 7.
- festive
- gay
- 8.
- sneeringly distrustful of the good motives or conduct of others
- 9.
- lacking in
- not possessing
- 10.
- entertaining
- 11.
- a person devoted to luxurious living and pleasure
- 12.
- done or spoken on the spur of the moment or without preparation
- 13.
- lacking firmness
- 14.
- a very thin gauzelike fabric or structure
- 15.
- likely to occur soon
- 16.
- a person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others
- 17.
- to imprison
- 18.
- to win another's favor or good opinion
- 19.
- to stir tip
- 20.
- to bellow softly like cattle
- 21.
- to assume a deceptive appearance or character
- 22.
- a little world, or a universe in miniature
- 23.
- gripping and moving the feelings powerfully
- piercing, biting, pointed
- 24.
- fragrant
- reminiscent of
- 25.
- employment entailing little or no responsibility or labor
- 26.
- to reproach with contempt
- 27.
- to break a law or command
- to violate a moral principle